JULY 2023 EXHIBIT AT MULBERRY ART STUDIOS - Lancaster Chamber of Commerce



A retrospective of late artist Don Shenk will be on display throughout the month of July at Mulberry Art Studios. This exhibit will feature photographs printed on mixed mediums, encompassing a wide variety of subject matter. As Don was known to frequently say, “God creates. I capture.” The public is invited to a First Friday Opening Reception on July 7 from 5pm until 8pm. Mulberry Art Studios is located in beautiful downtown Lancaster at 21 North Mulberry Street, and offers free parking in their private lot.

Don Shenk spent over five decades as a photographer capturing images of Lancaster County, PA, the place where he was born, raised, and spent his lifetime. He is known for scenes of pastoral farms, bucolic landscapes, and the Amish and Plain people. He also used his skills as a photographer not only to create art, but as a volunteer firefighter at New Danville Fire Company where he would photograph fire calls, and at his home church, Central Manor Church, where he would document services and events. Don was a founding member of the Lancaster Camera Club and served as its president two times. In 2016, Wilmington International Exhibition of Photography (WIEP), made Don a Senior Fellow. This prestigious honor is awarded only to participants of this juried international show who have had more than a hundred photo entries accepted into the competition. Don’s work has been featured in countless magazines and newspapers, and he published three books showcasing his photographs. His work also appeared over the years in calendars, on postcards, and on greeting cards. Don passed away in December of 2021.  

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